General dentistry.
Here at the Cardiff Smile Centre Ltd. or Clare Road Dental Practice, we strive for the most professional care and attention for you, and your teeth.
We offer a wide range of services for both National Health Service and Private patients, with a range of payment plans to suit your needs.
You are also welcome to join our own unique service; The Smile Club! Click the link below for more information about its benefits and how to join…
Full range of NHS services:
- Examination
- Diagnosis
- Advice and planning of treatment
- Preventative care and treatment
- Periodontal treatment
- Conservative treatment
- Supply and repair of dental appliance
- The taking of radiographs
- The issue of prescriptions

Our private services.
- Breathe freshening service
- Cosmetic crowns
- Cosmetic veneers
- Facial wrinkle reduction using botulinum toxins
- Implant/ screw replacement of missing teeth
- Lectures and demonstrations of teeth brushing or cleaning
- Teeth whitening
- Teeth Jewelry
- Tongue and lip piercing & piercings in the head and neck region (including ears & nose)